Join OhioSMART Gamers for some tabletop games, and come see our leaders present panels on Consent, Being an Ally, and What Kink is Really Like. There will be a large group of us there all weekend - here are the times you can definitely find us!
Join the SMART Gamers from 10-6 in the gaming hall - look for the OhioSMART table sign!
Attend our panels -
Con-Science of Consent 12:00 PM -1:00 PM
Let’s talk about consent. Who to ask, when to ask, and how to ask. Is hearing no really the end of the conversation? Do you really have to ask every time? Hear about these topics and more as we discuss what consent really means.
#TheBestAlliesCanBe 2:00 PM -3:00 PM
Feel like the rules keep changing? Lost in a sea of acronyms? Being an ally isn’t easy and navigating our changing world can be a challenge. Come listen to those who have been there, are still there, and have learned a few things along the way
50 Shades of Nope : What Kink is Really Like 11:00 PM -12:00 AM
BDSM is far more than what we see in movies and read about in novels. Spoiler alert, it’s actually way better. Talk with people who are involved in real-life communities, including kink author Daphne Matthews, about their experiences.
For Ticket Information please visit
Theme: "It Came From The Dark Side of the..."
In true ConCoction fashion it's a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the 1969 Moon Landing as well as a tribute to The Old Gods, Cthulu, and things that go bump in the night.
2019 Convention Guests
Cosplay: Knightmage
Cosplay: Nerd Girl Cosplay - Katie Starr
Artist: Stephen Hickman
Media: Jim O'Rear
Gaming: Rogue Cthulhu
Author: Scott Sigler
Emcee: HP Lovecraft of Ask Lovecraft
All Volunteer Run - For the Fans, By the Fans
Your Fandom Escape by the Lake!