Come enjoy the outdoors at The Wilderness Center! Feed fish and ducks, listen to nature, pick up rocks. Or enjoy the indoors of the museum onsite, learn more about Ohio’s wild flora and fauna.
Free parking, top parking lot closes with the museum (at 4:30pm). Bottom parking lot closes at dusk.
First hour (1-2pm) @ItsCherry will be in The Wilderness Center building, 1st floor to gather and answer questions. 2-4:30 — walking paths/ feeding geese and fish
If you're a member of the community, you can organize an OutSMART. These events are open to anyone in the community, and can range from meeting up at a popular event (e.g. Asian Festival) to a hike at a local park. We just ask that one board member be present.
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☎ 440.732.8317
OhioSMART is a 501c(7) non-profit organization.
Mailing Address: PO Box 602643Cleveland, OH 44102