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OhioSMART Third Saturday May: Too Hot to Handle, Wax Play

  • May 18, 2024
  • 8:00 PM
  • May 19, 2024
  • 2:00 AM
  • Email with your name and DOB for address


  • For those without a current membership
  • For those with a current membership

Registration is closed

Curious about wax play? Just starting out? Played with wax before and want to do more? Then this two part class is for you!


**The first part of the evening will cover the building blocks of wax play:**

- Building a wax kit for at home and travel

- The SCIENCE and SAFETY of wax

- Exploring wax play techniques: pouring, dripping, etc.

- Negotiation and aftercare of wax play*

For the second part of the evening, @-_Nox_- , @KaRe_B , and @ServiceElevator will break into three areas of the Arch Dungeon. Individuals will be able to participate in bottoming, topping, or experience different types of wax play.**

**Each station will include:**

- An explanation and ability to explore from that point of view or experience

- How wax should feel or look on an individual from a top, bottom, or experience perspective

- Tips and Tricks of each experience

*In order to be assured of the type of wax used, we will be providing the materials needed. **As a reminder, wax play is edge play! No matter how ‘safely’ applied, hot wax does carry a burn risk.**

We do encourage individuals to wear clothing they don’t care about (or no clothing at all!) when participating in the second part of the class. Everyone can confirm: wax is terrible to get out of clothing!

In this class we’ll only be covering paraffin and soy candles. Beeswax candles will not be covered in this course.


From NJ to MD, @-_Nox_- has carved a home for themselves in the Mid-Atlantic kink community since the summer of 2012. They are a queer Black individual who focuses on community care and cuddling their three rambunctious cats. A service-first individual, Nox can usually be found helping or volunteering for events. They have been involved with and using wax as a tool for play for nearly a decade. They are looking forward to expanding their adventures westward to discuss wax play and building kits with you.

@ServiceElevator is providing a helping hand for today's wax play class! They have been an active member of the OhioSMART community for just over three years and are currently serving as a board member. Much of their experience with wax play comes from at home trials and errors, before taking courses at OhioSMART. Wax play is an activity that they are always excited to participate in, since messier scenes are not something they do often.

@KaRe_B is a queer agender switch who loves all things wax play. They have been hanging around the Cleveland scene since 2018 and are passionate about making wax play accessible to everyone. In their spare time, Kare makes their own wax and enjoys labbing out new ways to use wax in play. Additionally, they host OhioSMART munches, are on the OhioSMART board, and really enjoy good conversation while noshing on great food. In life outside of kink - Kare loves hiking, traveling, and spending time with their dogs/partners.


7:45 PM: Doors Open, Registration Opens

8:10 PM: Class Begins

10:00 PM: Class Ends, Party Begins

11:00 PM: Registration Closes, No Entry Permitted Past This Time

2:00 AM: Closing Time

Please note: We share our facility and parking lot with another club. On busy nights, a parking attendant in a safety vest may be present to direct your vehicle to park in a specific location. Please respect and follow the attendant's directions, thank you.

Please email with your name and DOB if this is your first event!

Contact Us!


☎  440.732.8317

OhioSMART is a 501c(7) non-profit organization.

Mailing Address:
PO Box 602643
Cleveland, OH 44102

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