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OhioSMART Queers: Gayly Walking @ The Rockefeller Park Greenhouse

  • May 19, 2024
  • 1:00 PM
  • The Rockefeller Park Greenhouse 750 East 88th Street Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Since Ohio weather is starting to slightly level out- lets try an outing!

Queers takes over The Rockefeller Park Greenhouse! Come out from 1-3 and hang out, walk around and meet new and old friends maybe hold a good conversation about Scooby Doo! This event has an indoor portion so event will be held rain or shine!

After parking, you will make your way over to an area with a sculpture wall on the left and a set of double doors leading into the greenhouse. An ADA accessible walkway will lead into the building and you will see a set of restrooms on your left. Keep going straight and you will enter into the lager middle room with fish tanks. We will meet in the fish tank room before leaving to explore the greenhouse and the grounds.

It is our goal to go for our walkabout around 1:20 pm. You can always ping us in the OhioSMART Queers group or reach out to @Leo_Moon_27 if you are running behind and we will let you know where we are. Thanks!

The Rockefeller Park Greenhouse

The Rockefeller Park Greenhouse is a City-owned botanical garden and greenhouse that is open to the public.
It is situated on four acres and features a variety of specialty plant collections, seasonal floral displays, and colorful theme gardens that are on display year around seven days a week. Inside you will find tropical plants, fruit trees, orchids, and spectacular seasonal displays. Outside, according to their growing seasons, specialty gardens bloom in a delightful and sustainable greenspace.

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☎  440.732.8317

OhioSMART is a 501c(7) non-profit organization.

Mailing Address:
PO Box 602643
Cleveland, OH 44102

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