It was a wild night at OhioSMART’s Valentine’s Day First Friday and while the paddles were paddling and the whips were snapping - someone left a Valentine and Paddle for their crush at the lockers! But wait….they forgot to sign their name AND forgot to put who the card/gift was for!
So put on your detective hats and join us this First Friday in February to help solve the mystery of who left the card/paddle and who they meant it for! We encourage everyone to dress to theme!
Want to be part of the Whodonit volunteers to give out clues - let us know by Monday, January 27, 2025 in the comments!**
Schedule: 8:45 PM: Doors Open 9:00 PM: Party Begins 9:20(ish) PM: A Night of Whodonit Begins - In the Freight Lounge 11:00 PM: Registration Closes, No admittance after 11 PM. 1:00 AM: Closing Time
Please note: We share our facility and parking lot with another club. On busy nights, a parking attendant in a safety vest may be present to direct your vehicle to park in a specific location. Please respect and follow the attendant's directions, thank you.
Please email with your name and DOB prior to 8 pm if this is your first event! After 8 pm, we cannot guarantee someone will be able to process for your information for the address until after the event has concluded. Bought a membership but waiting for activation? Let us know if the email so we can send you a pending membership code and remember to fill out the paper form when you attend!
Need more info about the mystery part of the night, you can contact @KaRe_B !
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☎ 440.732.8317
OhioSMART is a 501c(7) non-profit organization.
Mailing Address: PO Box 602643Cleveland, OH 44102