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OhioSMART March Members Only: Masquerade and Tea Party!

  • March 29, 2025
  • 9:00 PM
  • March 30, 2025
  • 1:00 AM
  • Email


  • This is for individuals with an active membership.
  • This is for those who have bought a membership 24 hours prior to the event.


Dearest Gentle Reader,

It is with the greatest pleasure that we announce our March Members Only Masquerade and Tea Party. We hope to impress you, dear reader, with excellent service from our exquisite servants, objects, and furniture. We hope the outfits and scenes planned are as spectacular as the event itself. While is it considered crass to discuss such things, we do hope you will join us for a night of tea and debauchery.

May your plans for the night be scandalous enough to whisper about for weeks to come,

The OhioSMART Board

We highly encourage masks and dressing to theme!

Our protocol with service staff will be a softer protocol. We ask people to freely give their chosen honorifics and to allow the staff to identify if they are submissive, open to being human furniture, or any other service request. All folks present will be freely spoken too and have a right to refuse you service.

Treat our service team as you may treat serving staff at a restaurant. At the beginning of the event, we will cover the rules of the house for the night and what staff’s limits are. Unless it is explicitly made clear, please do not touch or harass our staff. They are volunteers and have the right to revoke their consent for any reason at any time.

If you would like to volunteer or join the tea party, you can find the application here.

In addition to our fine tea party, @east_ - our resident photographer, will be there (should you choose) to capture your likeness in a photo booth.

8:45 Registration Opens
11:00 Registration is closed
1:00 Party is Over, Thanks for Coming!

**To attend Members Only you must have paid for a membership at least 24 hours in advance.

We do allow paperwork to be done at the front desk, but we cannot (for legal reasons) accept money at the door for these events.**

Please email with any questions or concerns.

Contact Us!


☎  440.732.8317

OhioSMART is a 501c(7) non-profit organization.

Mailing Address:
PO Box 602643
Cleveland, OH 44102

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