If you haven't been to Medina's Sweets & Geeks, you are in for a treat. So. Many. Treats. S&G has candy, sodas, ice cream, and snacks that aren't widely available in the States. PLUS board games, card games, RPGs, and LEGO. PLUS comic, anime, and other pop culture merch.
Medina also has Alien Vacation Mini Golf!
"Alien-themed, black-lit 18-hole indoor mini-golf course, with animated features & 3D effects."
Sounds amazing!
So let's do some shopping at S&G, hang out, share our finds! Then we can saunter over to Alien Vacation for some out of this world mini golf.
We'll meet at 12:00 PM at Sweets and Geeks, play for a bit, then head over to mini golf!
The parking lot is large with ample parking - so no worries on getting in and out!
Contact @PrettyWhenYouCry or info@ohiosmart.org for more details!
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