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Volunteer Program Update!

November 19, 2021 7:46 PM | OhioSMART (Administrator)

After much consideration, OhioSMART has revamped our volunteer program!

Our new volunteer reward system is as follows: every four (4) full PSM shifts you work earns you free admission to a First Friday or Third Saturday play party. 

The rationale behind this change: the Board as well as SIG leaders get free admission to events that they host. A play party is usually four hours (9pm-1am). Therefore if you as a member volunteer for OhioSMART for the length of a party you get into the next one free!

Furthermore, all those that attend an OhioSMART PSM Training class will earn three out of four (3/4) towards a free party! This part of the volunteer program is not new, but definitely bears repeating for interested persons.

In summary: if you attend PSM Training, and afterwards volunteer for a fulll PSM shift you earn a free party admission

ps. When you take volunteer shifts for OhioSMART, please notify board personnel and sign up on the official sign up sheets (where applicable). Without you writing it down we can’t possibly keep track of everyone and we’d really hate to not reward members for their time and effort.

Speaking of: if you have PSM’d at the new space and your name is on the PSM sheet, you are already on your way to a free party!

A big thank you to all volunteers past present and future!

See you soon,
OhioSMART Board of Directors

Contact Us!


☎  440.732.8317

OhioSMART is a 501c(7) non-profit organization.

Mailing Address:
PO Box 602643
Cleveland, OH 44102

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