We are excited to have @haifisch- and @KaRe_B teaching October's class on Monster play! You don't want to miss this one!
Dreaming of Dracula? Tantalized by tentacles? Wanton for werewolves? Then this class is for you! we dive into all things Monster Play!
At the end, we have carved out a class show and tell portion. Feel free to bring all your favorite play items to show off and talk about - we can't wait to see them!

@haifisch- (she/her) is a Cincinnati-based submissive and ropeslut. she has been active in the scene for over 5 years and loves to soak up knowledge offered by others while giving back to the community. As a fat, queer woman practicing consensual non monogamy, she strives to create inclusive spaces and promotes active unlearning of societal standards of beauty and sexuality. she was awarded the inaugural Cincinnati Critter Title in 2022 and World Pet in 2023. her professional background is in bioethics, gender affirming care, and HIV care and prevention. This unicorn believes in the power of laughter and experiences the most joy when pursuing absurdity through kink.
@KaRe_B (they/them) is a Cleveland-based agender switch and wax enthusiast. They have been active in the Cleveland scene for over 6 years and have been bopping around to regional events for the past 4. Kare enjoys creating inclusive spaces for kinksters over food and drink as OhioSMART's Volunteer Munch Coordinator. Their passions include: accessibility in kink and mutual aid within general Cleveland community. Much like their co-presenter, Kare loves pursuing laughter and experience through wild and imaginative scenes.
You can register and pre-pay right here - https://ohiosmart.org/event-5400005