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Meet the Candidates 2024

January 16, 2024 2:44 PM | OhioSMART (Administrator)

This thread contains the questions asked of the candidates, their responses, and the voting section of our by-laws.

Each applicant answered the following questions:

  1. Are you interested in running for an Officer position, an At Large Board Member Position, or both/either?
  2. List your history in the BDSM Community, including participation/leadership in special interest groups, volunteering experience, etc. Be sure to note any current BDSM leadership positions held.
  3. List any other experience you have with non-profit organizations.
  4. List any other leadership experience, in any setting.
  5. List the top three areas you would like to devote your time and energy to in order to improve OhioSMART.
  6. What specific goals do you have for your time in OhioSMART leadership?

NymphBella or just Bella

  1. Officer Position
  2. I have been in the BDSM scene since 2015. I began volunteering early on for large events like KDM and fetish flea, and eventually took over the TNG sig in 2019. During the pandemic I was approached to join the board, as a board member was leaving and have served as a board member since then and currently am the Chair.
  3. N/A
  4. In my day to day job I am in charge of direct management of staff and daily planning. I ran the Smart TNG group for SMART and have been on this board for a few years as well.
  5. This year I would really like to focus on consent based safety initiatives in the space/bringing back consent liasons, new ideas for volunteer incentives/volunteer coordination, and community engagement ideas with our SIG groups.
  6. I would like to spend my last year on the board helping create lasting protocols to keep SMART the consent based ecducational space it is but also finding new ways to bring in lasting educational opportunities for our membership to grow in their journeys. I would also like to bring back consent liasons and work through our consent policies to make them more thorough and also open and accesible to the community and those with concerns that need to be addressed.


  1. Officer position
  2. I've been an OhioSMART member for approximately 9 years, and if elected, this will be my third calendar year serving this organization. Prior to my appointment to the board, I volunteered regularly at the space, and ran the kitchen for several years for the Flea.
  3. I have volunteer experience in special interest committee for a professional organization I belong to, and a many hours of science and women's health outreach volunteering experience under my belt.
  4. In my professional life, I have been a long-term executive chef, a chef de cuisine, a team lead, lab coordinator, and manager. I have managed teams of up to 15 individuals.
  5. I think the next big frontier for OhioSMART is focusing on growth, so the thre areas I am interested in working on this year are:
  • Expanding membership, including increasing accessibility and inclusivity.
  • Continuing the trend of innovative education for the membership.
  • Increassing the number of events to keep the community involved.
  1. Using the three objectives above, my main goal during my tenure would be to continue to help provide the local community with a safe and welcoming place to learn and grow.


  1. Officer position
  2. I have been attending BDSM events for over 10 years. I have primarily attended OhioSMART but have also attended larger events such as Winter Wickedness, Southeast Leather Fest, Power Exchange Summit, and more. I have been on the board for SMART in 2022 as well as a prior year of which I don't quite recall. I served in an At Large position both times. I am also the coleader of the SMART Queers SIG
  3. I have been on the board of directors for OhioSMART
  4. I was part of a planning committee that developed a large first-year event which continued for at least the following 2 years which I also helped to plan. I have been both an assistant instructor and full Black Belt instructor at a martial arts school in which I was in charge of leading classes for a variety of ages and skill levels. I have been on the OhioSMART board of directors twice prior.
    • I would like to see party attendance grow
  • I would like to do more community outreach.
  • I would like to help minimize volunteer/board burn-out"
  1. I would like to help our organization continue to grow and develop. I want it to continue to be a safe place where people can have fun, feel safe, learn new things, and feel welcome.


1. At-Large position

2. So far, I've only ever volunteered and been an attendee at kink events.

3. Much of my research work was done in partnership with for profit orgs and non-profits, whose mission statements include a focus on community building, education, and sex positive expression at any age.

4. Many of the things I do have experience in supervising, expense report/book keeping, leadership skills but much of that work was done in for profit academia or corperate without any title or prestige attached to it.

5. I notice a ton of folks come to hangout, which is nice. Community and connection is so important. However, folks are paying to come and play or learn at the space. There's a ton of factors that stop folks from playing together. However, I think the biggest barriers fear of rejection and not knowing the socially appropriate 'rules' of negotiating with folks you know or have watched before but aren't in a dynamic with.

  • Participation and engagement at events;
  • Potentially the TNG group as I was told that needs more help there;
  • expanding the courses taught and networking for guest speakers.


  1. Both/Either
  2. I started at OhioSMART in 2018. Throughout that time, I volunteered as a PSM, at Fetish Flea, and assisted in opening and closing at the old dungeon. Prior to COVID-19 I assisted in a Board Alternate role and came back in 2022 as the Munch Coordinator after the position became vacant. During this past year I have assisted OhioSMART with their marketing, planning for Fetish Flea, and taught two educational classes at the new space. Outside of OhioSMART, I attend Dark Odyssey Summer Camp (2021 – 2023) and Fusion (2023) events. When attending, I stay with a group called The Compound and remain socially engaged with the group throughout the year. When at camp, I tend to act as a runner for supplies and generally volunteer when my skills and time align with group need. Finally, when individuals from other orgs need a hand and reach out, I will work with them on mini projects. For example, I just completed a small marketing insert for Titans of the Midwest.
  3. I have professionally worked with and in nonprofits for over 14+ years. In addition, I have a Masters in Nonprofit Administration with an emphasis on a Leadership in Nonprofits. I have planned events for over 2,000+ individuals and delt in annual budgets over $100,000+ in my roles. As far as staff and vendors, I have led staffs of over 30+ and have vetted vendors from start to completion in all my roles post grad school. I have experience handling professional debit/credit cards and with reconciling budget lines with accounting. Finally, I have volunteering for nonprofits in some capacity since high school. Outside of kink, I currently am volunteering with Flaming River Con (which I hope you all came to the recent Panel OhioSMART hosted with them!).
  4. At work the sole administrator of several systems, so I lead multiple projects on those systems throughout our company. As a project lead, I am often heading up multiple plans in other departments that involve the system I work in (In addition to my own system projects). In my previous field, I was a mentor to younger professionals in the field and sat on a nonprofit leadership council in a strategic role which was responsible for a membership of over 6,000 individuals.
  5. Disclaimer: These areas are not listed in order of importance, but just listed.
    My first area would be outreach and education. I would really like to get OhioSMART back out to presenting at local CONS. Prior to COVID-19, we were presenting at Flaming River Con, Con on the Cob, etc. and I would like to see OhioSMART get back to that.
    My second area would be education. I would like to see presenters coming in with a diverse range of topics from all over that are interesting to our membership.
    My third area would be garnering feedback from membership. I think there are a wide range of topics which need to be readdressed and reassessed in the new space: educational opportunities, accessibility, volunteering, SIGS, etc. But we can’t do that without membership feedback. "
  6. Specific goals which align with the areas mentioned above, if you have additional questions, please ask, I can get more in depth: Have a specific feedback form for individuals to fill out to garner feedback on topics pertaining to OhioSMART, then have an Open House to address, assess and vote on possible outcomes from feedback. Get us back to hosting panels on consent and basic BDSM principles at Cons, starting with Cleveland Concoction in March (if we are accepted). Outline classes for the year, starting in earlier and months in advance to help us pinpoint who can come and teach to budget and get presenters in on time.


2. Current at-large board member of Ohio SMART
3. Treasurer of CLE local body of OTO (fraternal org) for 9+ years, facilitator of Our Proud & Pagan SIG at CLE LGBT Center
4. -
5. Business operations, POS workflow, Outreach through adjacent groups
6. Keep this bird flying

Each Active, Founding and Emeritus Member shall have one vote in the election of the Board of Directors. Such votes may be conducted during the annual meeting of the membership as permitted by resolution of the Board of Directors.

No member may vote whose annual membership dues are unpaid. Membership must be current as of the Monday of the week voting occurs.

All members in attendance will first have an opportunity to ask questions of any of the candidates on the ballot, though members are encouraged to ask questions via the online forums ahead of the meeting time.

Members will first receive a ballot to elect up to 3 individuals from the Officer ballot. If someone attempts to elect more than 3 individuals, that ballot will be invalid and not counted in the final results.

Once the Officers are announced, voting will then commence for the At-Large ballot. If a candidate is listed on both the Officer and At-Large ballot, but is elected on the Officer ballot, they are no longer eligible for an At-Large position. Members may vote for up to 2 individuals on the At-Large ballot. If someone attempts to elect more than 2 individuals, that ballot will be invalid and not counted in the final results.

Post questions to the candidates below, reach out to us on FetLife or email at for questions about the meeting itself, and we hope to see you on Saturday, 1/20/24!

Contact Us!


☎  440.732.8317

OhioSMART is a 501c(7) non-profit organization.

Mailing Address:
PO Box 602643
Cleveland, OH 44102

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