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2025 Board Call for Elections

December 26, 2024 2:51 PM | OhioSMART (Administrator)

It is time for OhioSMART’s Annual Board Elections! Elections will be held on 1/18/2025, during our January Third Saturday event. At this time, we are soliciting volunteers to run for the OhioSMART Board.

As a member, you can run for an at large position, an officer position, or both. To run you must be in good standing at least 90 days prior to the January 18, 2025 event. Officers include the President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Along with the two at-large board members, these officers comprise the OhioSMART Board.

If you are interested in applying, please email and ask for an application.

The application process consists of a few open ended questions about your relevant experience and the energy you hope to bring to OhioSMART. Once you have applied,

the answers to those questions will be made public on Fetlife and our website so individuals are able to access the information and make decisions on who they wish to vote for. All answers are due by midnight on 01/03/2024 so that they can be made public on 01/04/2024.

Please note: Board Members are volunteers. All Board Members are required to be at multiple OhioSMART events which can include: First Friday, Third Saturday, OhioSMART Ties, Special Interest Group Events (Gamers, Queers, etc.), and OhioSMART Members Only Parties. Additionally, Board Members are required to attend board meetings once a month. As a Board Member, you will be asked to work a couple of hours for each party in some capacity. This can include: setting up, running register, resolving issues, working with presenters, etc.

When individuals have expressed interest, the OhioSMART Board Members have also appointed Board Alternates, which serve as individuals who are trained in some capacity on Board related duties, but are unable to fulfill a full Board Member role at this time. If you are interested in a Board Alternate role, please email into for the application.

At this time, we will have one or more openings on the OhioSMART Board and we are actively seeking applications. If you love OhioSMART and have time relevant skills in party planning, account, writing, PR, etc. we would love to see you run!

As a reminder, voting will take place on January 18, 2025 during our Third Saturday event. All members are allowed to attend and vote, however; all non-members are not able to enter the event until voting has completed. The party is free for those members who come to vote.

Contact Us!


☎  440.732.8317

OhioSMART is a 501c(7) non-profit organization.

Mailing Address:
PO Box 602643
Cleveland, OH 44102

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