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  • October 10, 2021 12:47 PM | OhioSMART (Administrator)


    The schedule for October, November, and December 2021 is set.

    Notable shifts are as follows:

    1.) October and November Third Saturdays are prepay only to allow for Extreme Plus rules. Tickets may be purchased at until the night before the party.

    2.) Admission for 2021 parties is $10 regardless of membership status to give the community a boost after our hiatus. The usual split member/guest prices will resume in January of 2022.

    3.) December Third Saturday is our 2020/21 Membership Meeting where members in good standing vote for the 2022 Board of Directors and policy/by-law changes. Voting is in-person only and there is a play party afterwards!

    REMINDER: Your membership must be up to date at least 24 hours before any member's-only event.

    Feel free to save and share the graphic below! If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to and we'll be happy to help.

    See you soon,

    OhioSMART Board of Directors

  • September 19, 2021 9:30 AM | OhioSMART (Administrator)

    Please join us on Friday October 1st for our First Friday play party at our amazing new space. We will be here from 9p to 1a.

    Please pre register and purchase your ticket online 

    SMART First Friday October 2021

    We will be requiring masks throughout the space except for in the Arch Dungeon.

    ***Proof Of Vaccination IS Required For Entry***

    Until further notice, proof of vaccination is required for entry to ALL OhioSMART events. Please bring it even if you showed us at the open house. 

    We will accept the following:

    Your vaccination card in person at the event along with your photo ID

    A photograph on your phone of your vaccination card and ID: together in the same image and with ALL information visible. You should still bring your physical ID with you, but we understand not everyone carries their vaccine card.

    IF YOU DO NOT HAVE PROOF OF VACCINATION, YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO ENTER OUR FACILITY. This applies to everyone -- we're simply not willing to risk our members, guests, and their loved ones' health by taking anyone's word for it.

  • September 18, 2021 9:00 PM | OhioSMART (Administrator)

    Please join us on Saturday September 18th for a our first play party at our amazing new space. We will be here from 9p to 1a

    Ohio SMART - Welcome Back Play Party

    This is subject to change based on COVID-19 conditions. We will make every effort we can to notify you of any changes.

  • September 09, 2021 4:51 PM | OhioSMART (Administrator)

    OhioSMART applies the principle of RACK - Risk Aware Consensual Kink - to determine our COVID protocols. We assess risk based on trusted professional sources, epidemiologists, the CDC, and emerging science to protect our members, their loved ones, and our all-volunteer staff. Our protocol may be more strict than state mandates.

    In short:

    - Proof of COVID-19 vaccination is required at the door, every time

    - Masks are required everywhere except in one separate, maskless play room

    - There will be some extra sanitary guidelines in place for shared toys and equipment

    - We will add a new wristband to our system so that those who are being especially careful about COVID can signal that they want space, are not willing to negotiate maskless play, and don't want to enter the maskless play room.

    Please continue reading for full protocols.


    Proof of vaccination is required at the door, NO EXCEPTIONS. We will accept the following:

    - Your vaccination card in person at the event along with your photo ID

    - A photograph on your phone of your vaccination card and ID: together in the same image and with ALL information visible. You should still bring your physical ID with you, but we understand not everyone carries their vaccine card.

    **IF YOU DO NOT HAVE PROOF OF VACCINATION, YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO ENTER OUR FACILITY.** This applies to everyone -- we're simply not willing to risk our members, guests, and their loved ones' health by taking anyone's word for it.


    When we decided to reopen, the vaccine seemed to protect against COVID and all its variants. Now, we know the Delta variant is able to be spread by and infect the vaccinated. Paying close attention to the development and effect of variants, we've decided to implement mask requirements.

    We will require masks at all times inside the entire facility -- with the sole exception of the Arch Dungeon, exclusively during play. This accommodates both those who want to play maskless (biting, breath play, etc.) without endangering those who don't want to take on the risk. The Main Dungeon and medical rooms are mask-on zones - we recommend supplementing your safeword system with a nonverbal element as if you were using a gag. We also recommend that you find a mask that is comfortable to exercise in and wear for longer periods of time, as there are no exceptions.

    For those of you who aren't familiar with the new space: the dungeon layout isn't a loop, it's linear. The Arch Dungeon is the end point after you've passed the social areas, Main Dungeon, bathroom, etc. so there's no reason to go into the Arch Dungeon unless you choose to. It's very spacious, it gets sunlight, and there's even a sink for hand-washing.

    Please keep in mind that fireplay is only allowed in the Arch dungeon. Full suspension will be paused without prior DM or board member approval because the hard points aren't yet installed in the Arch Dungeon and full suspension with a mask on is an advanced skill.


    We now know COVID-19 is spread through respiratory droplets. The likelihood of contracting COVID from surfaces is lessened, but we still want to do everything we can to mitigate risk.

    Hand sanitizer will be available at every cleaning station as per usual, as well as in social areas and near high-contact zones like the nametag station.

    If you want to play with gags, gimp masks, or anything that might touch your face: you should bring your own and not share with others.

    Clean all shared equipment (including but not limited to the equipment that belongs to the space) thoroughly after play AND before play to further reduce risk.


    "We want to make post-pandemic play as smooth as possible, so we're adding a new wristband to our system. Orange indicates "I'm being careful about COVID/I want space/I don't want to negotiate high-COVID risk play/I don't want to enter the Arch Dungeon, etc." 

    Unlike the other wristbands, which are only to be worn if you're willing to negotiate play, the COVID wristband can be worn by everyone, including those who want to simply observe. 

    We want to make post-pandemic play as smooth as possible, so we're adding a new wristband to our system. Orange indicates "I'm being careful about COVID/I want space/I don't want to negotiate high-COVID risk play/I don't want to enter the Arch Dungeon, etc."

    Unlike the other wristbands, which are only to be worn if you're willing to negotiate play, the COVID wristband can be worn by everyone, including those who want to simply observe.

    If you only want to negotiate play with people who are being as careful as you, you can combine the orange wristband with your usual ones. For example, you can don a purple wristband, a rainbow wristband, AND an orange wristband to indicate that you are a queer switch who is being especially careful about COVID.

    If you're up for maskless play in the Arch Dungeon, skip the orange wristband and look for pick-up play with those who did the same.

  • July 29, 2021 9:11 AM | OhioSMART (Administrator)

    Proof Of Vaccination IS Required For Entry

    Until further notice, proof of vaccination is required for entry to ALL OhioSMART events INCLUDING THE OPEN HOUSE ON AUGUST 21st.

    We will accept the following:

    Your vaccination card in person at the event along with your photo ID

    A photograph on your phone of your vaccination card and ID: together in the same image and with ALL information visible. You should still bring your physical ID with you, but we understand not everyone carries their vaccine card.

    IF YOU DO NOT HAVE PROOF OF VACCINATION, YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO ENTER OUR FACILITY. This applies to everyone -- we're simply not willing to risk our members, guests, and their loved ones' health by taking anyone's word for it.

  • July 29, 2021 9:10 AM | OhioSMART (Administrator)

    Please join us on Saturday August 21st for a viewing of our amazing new space. We will be open from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m and will be giving tours and answering any questions you may have.

    At this time we are asking that only our vaccinated members and guests attend. If you are unable to be vaccinated please reach out to us and we can schedule a private viewing with the proper PPE.

    Please be mindful of the establishments current Covid policy. Wear a mask when it is required. Please keep social distancing in mind. Due to covid we want to reiterate the importance of asking before touching. Please keep in mind that people are at different levels of comfort with personal space and touch with the ongoing pandemic. Please keep as much distance as possible unless explicitly invited to sit closer or touch, as we want people to feel as comfortable as possible. We have a zero tolerance policy for those that disregard the safety rules.

    Parking info -

    The gated parking lot is located on 33rd Street between Hamilton and St. Clair. Please come to door B to enter the building.

  • May 15, 2020 10:18 AM | OhioSMART (Administrator)

    As you may have heard, the state of Ohio is starting the process of reopening businesses.

    OhioSMART is stable and has no intention of going anywhere. We will always exist in some form. We miss seeing you all, and we would love to host some events to provide the safe place you all know and enjoy. However, we refuse to risk even one member's life during this pandemic.

    You’re probably wondering, “so when will you reopen?” We are no strangers to evaluating risk, and are taking your privacy and safety into account at all times. We will continue to evaluate the situation as it develops, and will open in a way that is safe, when it is safe to do so - no sooner.

    In the meantime, SMART leadership has been combining the power of each of our five unburnt brain cells to put together virtual classes and munches - things you can use now and after the plague is under control. We're hosting weekly Netflix Parties (Keep checking the events calendar), and we're almost ready to launch our Discord server to provide a place for Jackbox games, roundtables, and other virtual events.

    Our community has been through times like these, and we will get through this and reunite to be our kinky beautiful selves together again someday - we appreciate your patience as we work to play our part in making sure everyone joins us on the other side.

    Stay home if you can, wash your hands either way, and stay tuned for the next update!

  • April 17, 2020 6:08 PM | OhioSMART (Administrator)

    Greetings all, we hope that you and yours are safe, healthy, and keeping to the CDC recommendations about hand-washing, disinfecting your space, keeping distance from others, and covering your face in public.

    There are three parts to this update: 1. Elections for the OhioSMART Board, 2. Moving to the new dungeon space, and 3. Ways we’re exploring to stay connected as a community.

    Part 1:

    Our by-laws say elections must happen in person in May. While the governor has announced that he intends to “roll out” plans to reopen May 1st, we believe getting quorum in one place as soon as May without an end in sight to the pandemic is too big of a risk for us to take. At this point in time, we're not looking to plan any events until June at the earliest.

    The by-laws don’t have language for such an unprecedented situation, so we’re requesting that the current board be allowed to stay on until we’re able to do a proper election. If there isn’t support for this, we can look into other options. Regardless of when elections are held, the changeover will be delayed because bank transfers and other business activities are impossible to complete while things are closed and there’s a shelter-in-place order.

    No matter what, the current board is most qualified to oversee the move and adjustments to the new space and will need extra transition time before the new board can take over.

    Part 2:

    We’ve been moving carfuls of small things to the new space, but the landlady is aiming for our full furniture move (with moving truck) to be by the end of April. This is necessary, so we’ll be taking sanitary precautions EXTREMELY seriously during the move by having and enforcing strict sanitizing, distancing, hand-washing, glove-wearing, and mask usage protocols. We’re planning to coordinate the work in small shifts which should spread the work out and keep contact down. If you've already signed up to be a part of the Moving Team, you'll be hearing from us soon.

    Part 3:

    It’s important to keep connected and since we don’t know when it will be safe to get up close and personal with each other again -- we’re considering opening a virtual space on Discord so we can have munches and classes while apart.

    For those of you who don’t know, Discord is a free chat server program that has both text and voice chat rooms, with the capability for one host to share a screen. Most of them operate as a 24/7 chat space, but we’d do it a little differently: it will operate much like the dungeon. When it’s closed, it’s closed, and when it’s open, it’s for a specific time and reason with moderators present. We want to avoid burnout, so there will be an announcements channel for leadership so you can get notified of upcoming virtual events, and a place where you can go look at class notes, but otherwise no notifications you have to worry about.

    That’s all for now! We’re interested in hearing from you on ALL THREE points, so please discuss on the Members Forum (email us if you need help logging in), PM us, or email! Thank you, and stay safe <3

    OhioSMART Board of Directors

  • April 02, 2020 1:17 PM | OhioSMART (Administrator)

    We hope that everyone is doing well and staying healthy!

    Ohio's Shelter in Place order has obviously canceled all April events for us. We will keep everyone updated on the status of May events as we see how long gatherings will be limited. We're currently working with our Web Team on how to set up some virtual events that safeguard everyone's privacy, so keep an eye out for those events coming up!

    With all of the cancellations, we want to assure our members that we will be extending everyone's membership for the length of time that we are closed. As a reminder, we do also have a scholarship program for those who are experiencing hardship. If you're doing well currently and you would like to help sponsor a scholarship, or if you're experiencing hardship and would like to talk about receiving one, please email us at

    Our moving date has also been postponed until after the Shelter in Place order is over. Thank you to everyone who has already volunteered! If you would like to join the Moving Team, just send us an email to let us know, and we will add you to the contact list once we have a moving date.

    OhioSMART Board of Directors

  • March 15, 2020 7:55 PM | OhioSMART (Administrator)

    In light of the increasing restrictions surrounding social gatherings, and our own increasing concerns for the health and safety of our attendees, we have decided to cancel all of our remaining events for the month of March. This means that Third Saturday on 3/21, our monthly munch on 3/24, and SMART Gamers on 3/31 will all be canceled. Our SMART Ties Rope Safety event on April 5th will be rescheduled to Sunday May 3rd.

    We understand that this is a very stressful time, and that community is more important than ever. Please utilize our Members Only forums on to stay connected, and reach out to the board at if you have any specific needs or questions.

    Now for some good news! We are almost ready to move into our new space, which means the next time you see us will be at our amazing new playspace. The moving date will be finalized this week, and we will let you all know as soon as it's set. If you would like to assist with the move and get an early look at the new space, send us an email so we can add you to the Moving Team.

    Thank you everyone, and keep watching for updates on our upcoming events.

    OhioSMART Board of Directors

Contact Us!


☎  440.732.8317

OhioSMART is a 501c(7) non-profit organization.

Mailing Address:
PO Box 602643
Cleveland, OH 44102

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